How we go to bed each night with a clean kitchen when both of us work full-time jobs

Imagine this: You wake up to a clean kitchen every morning, with breakfast and lunch already prepped for everyone in the house. 


Once upon a time, Jeremy took great pride in his home in a cozy suburban neighborhood of Westfield, Indiana. Jeremy was determined to go to bed with a clean kitchen every night, with his wife's breakfast and lunch prepped for the next day. 

Jeremy's story begins with a hectic day at work. He had a demanding job but knew the importance of maintaining a clean and organized home for his family. After a long day at the office, he came home tired and hungry. Sara, Jeremy's wife, was equally exhausted after a day of teaching 5th and 6th graders, and all she wanted was a delicious homemade dinner made by hubby. 

As Jeremy prepared dinner, he followed his well-practiced cleaning routine as he cooked. He chopped vegetables on a clean cutting board and returned each ingredient to the pantry after using it. As the sauce for the grilled chicken simmered on the stove, Jeremy wiped down the counters, ensuring no crumbs or spills were left behind. He set the table, and they enjoyed a delightful meal together.

They marveled at their sparkly, clean kitchen after eating and putting their plates in the dishwasher. They took a moment to enjoy the tranquility of their clean space. 

What a dream, right?! 

I used Sara and I's names in this little fable, but it's precisely that, just a fable - a dream not rooted in reality. 

Possibly similar to your real life, Sara and I often see basic life tasks pile up: far too many dirty dishes in the sink and overflowing laundry baskets. Our floors would be dusty and gross, too, if it were not for the iRobot vacuum. 

We regularly find ourselves tired and overwhelmed by the work day, so we settle for a quick dinner out - blowing up the family food budget. 

Sound familiar?

So what breaks? 

In the modern world, many couples find themselves in the challenging position of spouses working full-time to support their family. While this dynamic can be fulfilling and financially necessary, it often leads to the struggle of balancing work, home, and family life. So, how do you keep the house together when both spouses have demanding careers and kids have activities every night? It's all about organization, teamwork, and setting priorities. 

Sara and I struggled to keep the home together for years while prioritizing our careers (and we don't have kids to add to the mix). 

We have a long way still to go, but we have come so far! Ha!

Nonetheless, from a family still in progress to another family in progress, here's a guide to help you maintain a harmonious and well-kept home while juggling the demands of a full-time job and family.

One, communication is vital.

Sara and I, fourteen years of marriage later, are still working to improve our communication. However, I will never forget the day I finally realized our most significant burden with family and work balance. I learned I was far more burdened by the messy house and disorganized family rhythms than she was. After a tense conversation over dinner one evening, Sara informed me that I should not concern her with everything that burdens me. As in to say, I learned that the best next step to keep a clean and organized home was to acknowledge that it was my burden more than hers. While it was both of our responsibility, my expectations were far more significant than Sara's. Open and honest communication is the cornerstone of maintaining a well-kept home when both spouses work full-time. Sit down with your partner and discuss your respective work schedules, responsibilities, and goals for your home. Make sure you're on the same page regarding household chores, childcare, and other duties - clarifying the priority level each has and who will be responsible for each task. Communication saved us from many arguments and helped ensure a clean and organized home.

Two, divide and conquer.

Family success is the responsibility of both spouses. Create a list of household tasks and responsibilities and divide them based on each person's strengths and availability. Remember, it doesn't have to be a perfect 50/50 split – it should be a balance that works for your unique circumstances. Sara and I used one idea for a few years: one cooked and one cleaned the dishes. This helped us get the job done and do it together. Double win!

Third, declutter and simplify. 

Decluttering your living space can significantly reduce the time and effort required to maintain it. Regularly review your belongings, donate or sell items you no longer need, and keep your home organized and clutter-free. While moving to Westfield, Indiana, two years ago, we simplified our house as much as possible. Although there are a few things we wish we would have kept, we have zero regrets about simplifying our lives. Our house feels cleaner because we decluttered our primary living spaces.

Fourth, meal plan and prep.

Meal planning is a game-changer for busy couples. Plan your meals for the week, make a shopping list, and prepare as much as you can in advance. This not only saves time but also encourages healthier eating habits. We use a mobile app called "Plan to Eat." We save all our favorite recipes in the app. After you schedule your meals, the app automates your grocery list. Simply press the item and check it off. We love it and highly recommend it. It does come with a small yearly fee.

Fifth, the power of routine.

Establishing daily routines for your family can help maintain order and make things run more smoothly. Setting times for waking up, meals, and bedtime can create a sense of stability in a busy household. The best thing I've done is establish a morning routine. I start every morning the same. Of course, kids can easily disrupt your patterns. Start with developing what you need to accomplish each morning and do it. 

Sixth, value quality over quantity.

When you're working full-time, it's essential to prioritize your free time. Focus on spending quality moments with your family and spouse rather than trying to do everything. Create meaningful experiences that everyone will cherish. While I love a clean home, a clean house is not as important as spending quality and intentional time with my wife and family.


In conclusion, maintaining a well-kept home when both spouses work full time is achievable with teamwork, organization, and effective communication. By implementing these strategies, you can create a balance that allows you to excel in your career while enjoying a clean, organized, and happy home life. Remember, it's not about perfection but finding what works best for your unique situation and priorities.


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